Sunday 6 July 2008

Listen your self

There is few who knows

This one of possible truths

That perhaps there is not god above

And we are all alone

On this world

But don't listen them

Only you know

If he is alive or not

Listen all voices that let you go deeper

In to your self

And listen your heart

Then the way you go would be right

Even if you try to run away

All you believe in is yours

Just as a dream

Just as love


Anonymous said...

will you write me a poem about a mermaid with black hair?

Anna Cellmer said...

lol question of faith is not so fascinating to you? :)

Anonymous said...

if i was god, i would forgive everyone. does that make me better and kinder than the 'real' god who wants to put sinners in hell?

Anna Cellmer said...

well I'm one of these who knows god is dead

Anna Cellmer said...

through it's sometimes nice to believe he is not :)

Anna Cellmer said...

if you were god you wouldnt forgive everyone, if you have such a great power over the world you must be depraved :) besides people generally like punishments you couldnt forgive all, people wont love you anymore :)and they could find another better(stronger) god I suppose. Life with god seems to be quite exciting actually especially when we can go to hell :)and sin seems to be also something sweet to try without all this sometimes life could be just not so full of interesting things perhaps lol, though I know I shouldnt tell things like this :)