Friday 24 July 2009

Silly comparison

People are:
Stupid or smart
Depends how smart we are in fact to say that
Sensitive or not
Depends how sensitive we are we can see this or feel it somehow
Deep believers in God whatever called or realists
Depends of many things even the time we are actually in
Bad or good
Depends of souls, community, believes or family or other things happen to us and what is actually bad thing or good? Generally, culturally, locally, socially, in human eyes, in god eyes or nature? Who really knows? Oh yes we know we create the system already to live by so let's leave this for now.
Funny or serious, oh depends too, from many factors of course
Sexy or not it also depends of this what we like and we want

Oh actually why this catalogue is for?
We are different that's all
But if we can see some are beautiful and good for us so it's nice
Let's get friends or let's have a little romance
or true love with each other
This is what we can do here just chose and go for it
And live

Yes indeed.